研究领域:主要从事光谱发射率测量及辐射测温技术方面的研究。研究领域涉及光谱发射率测量技术及仪器的研制、辐射测温方法及辐射测温仪器的研制、材料光谱发射率变化规律,多波长辐射测温算法等,相关研究成果已经发表在International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Infrared Physics and Technology等SCI期刊发表,作为第一发明人授权专利3项,其中转让1项。
1. 表面粗糙度对纯铁光谱发射率的影响及其解析模型的建立(613071229),国家自然科学基金青年项目,30万。
2. 方向光谱发射率测量装置的研制及其解析模型的建立(61675065),国家自然科学基金面上项目,67万。
3. 基于神经网络算法的辐射测温仪,河南省科技攻关项目。
1. 极化光谱发射率的测量及其在辐射测温技术中的应用(61675065),国家自然科学基金面上项目。
2. 高精度金属冶炼在线辐射测温理论及应用研究(U1804261),NSFC-河南联合基金重点项目。
3. 采用光栅滤光的发射率测量仪的研制及其解析模型的建立(60977063),国家自然科学基金面上项目。
1. Normal spectral emissivity characteristics of roughened cobalt and improved emissivity model based on Agababov roughness function. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 159, 113957. SCI二区Top
2. Study of normal spectral emissivity of copper during thermal oxidation at different temperatures and heating times. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 129: 1066-1074. SCI二区Top
3. Study of Ti-6Al-4V alloy spectral emissivity characteristics during thermal oxidation process. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 101: 699-706. SCI二区Top
4. An improved algorithm for spectral emissivity measurements at low temperatures based on the multi-temperature calibration method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 114: 1037-1044. SCI二区Top
5. Study on the changes of emissivity of basic copper carbonate in the decomposition process. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 139: 641-647. SCI二区Top
6. An emissivity measurement apparatus for near infrared spectrum. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2015, 73: 275-280.
7. Infrared spectral emissivity property of pure titanium in the 473-1035K temperature range. Applied Spectroscopy, 2016, 70: 1717-1725.
8. Polarized BRDF measurement of steel E235B in the near-infrared region: Based on a self-designed instrument with absolute measuring method. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2018, 91: 78-84.
9. Study of the normal emissivity of molybdenum during thermal oxidation process. Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 123, 145107.
10. Spectral emissivity of type E235B low carbon structural steel with different roughnesses. Optical Review, 2017, 24(4): 540-548.
1. 一种连续测量材料方向光谱发射率的装置和方法,ZL2014101263748.
2. 一种材料极化方向发射率测量装置的控制方法,ZL2015108721099
3. 多功能光谱发射率测量装置及其测量方法,ZL2016108897264