
新浪大乐透,双色球基本走势图表图,3d今天走势图: 师资队伍

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连茂山,20247月毕业于北京师范大学环境科学系,同年进入新浪大乐透,双色球基本走势图表图,3d今天走势图环境学院工作。近年来,参与国家自然科学基金面上与重点项目多项,在Water Research、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Science of The Total Environmental等学术期刊发表学术论文多篇。


2024.07-至今   新浪大乐透,双色球基本走势图表图,3d今天走势图环境学院讲师

2019.09-2024.07   北京师范大学环境学院  博士

2015.09-2018.07   西南大学资源环境学院  硕士

2010.09-2014.07   河南科技大学农学院    学士





[1] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,山东近海入海污染物行为过程与环境效应,U1706217,参与;

[2] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,大型锑矿区流域尺度锑污染过程、效应与调控,42030706,参与;

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于沉积物剖面的渤海污染和有机碳来源时空变化反演,42276233,参与。


[1]Lian Maoshan, Wang Jing, Wang Baodong, Ming Xin, Lin Chunye, Gu Xiang, He Mengchang, Liu Xitao, Ouyang Wei. Spatiotemporal variations and the ecological risks of organophosphate esters in Laizhou Bay waters between 2019 and 2021: Implying the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Water Research, 2023, 233 (5), 119783.

[2] Lian Maoshan, Lin Chunye, Li Yun, Hao Xin, Wang Aihua, He Mengchang, Liu Xitao, Ouyang Wei. Distribution, partitioning, and health risk assessment of organophosphate esters in a major tributary of middle Yangtze River using Monte Carlo simulation. Water Research, 2022, 219 (11), 118559.

[3] Lu Shuang, Wang Jing, Wang Baodong, Xin Ming, Lin Chunye, Gu Xiang, Lian Maoshan, Li Yun. Comprehensive profiling of the distribution, risks and priority of pharmaceuticals and personal care products: A large-scale study from rivers to coastal seas. Water Research, 2023, 230 (4), 119591.

[4] Lian Maoshan, Wang Jing, Wang Zongxing, Lin Chunye, Gu Xiang, He Mengchang, Liu Xitao, Ouyang Wei. Occurrence, bioaccumulation and trophodynamics of organophosphate esters in the marine biota web of Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 469 (22), 134035.

[5] Lu Shuang, Wang Jing, Wang Baodong, Xin Ming, Lin Chunye, Gu Xiang, Lian Maoshan, Li Yun. Spatiotemporal variations and risk assessment of estrogens in the water of the southern Bohai Sea: A comprehensive investigation spanning three years. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2024, 474 (9), 134754.

[6] Gu Xiang, Wang Zongxing, Wang Jing, Ouyang Wei, Wang Baodong, Xin Ming, Lian Maoshan, Lu Shuang, Lin Chunye, He Mengchang, Liu Xitao. Sources, trophodynamics, contamination and risk assessment of toxic metals in a coastal ecosystem by using a receptor model and Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 424 (6), 127482.

[7] Lian Maoshan, Lin Chunye, Wu Tingting, Ming Xin, Gu Xiang, Lu Shuang, Cao Yuanxin, Wang Baodong, Ouyang Wei, Liu Xitao, He Mengchang. Occurrence, spatiotemporal distribution, and ecological risks of organophosphate esters in the water of the Yellow River to the Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 787 (2), 147528.

[8] Li Yun, Wang Jing, Lin Chunye, Lian Maoshan, He Mengchang, Liu Xitao, Ouyang Wei. Occurrence, removal efficiency, and emission of antibiotics in the sewage treatment plants of a low-urbanized basin in China and their impact on the receiving water. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 921 (7), 171134.

[9] Lian Maoshan, Lin Chunye, Ming Xin, Gu Xiang, Lu Shuang, Wang Baodong, Ouyang Wei, Liu Xitao, He Mengchang. Organophosphate esters in surface waters of Shandong Peninsula in eastern China: Levels, profile, source, spatial distribution, and partitioning. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 297(1–3), 118792.

[10] Liu Ziyu, Gu Xiang, Lian Maoshan, Wang Jing, Xin Ming, Wang Baodong, Ouyang Wei, He Mengchang, Liu Xitao, Lin Chunye,. Occurrence, geochemical characteristics, enrichment, and ecological risks of rare earth elements in sediments of “the Yellow River?Estuary?Bay” system. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 319 (3), 121025.



